(503) 726-5975

Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides a ‘baseline’ set of information which we use to compare month-on-month figures.  How many people are visiting your site?  Where are they situated?  What’s the busiest day of the week, or times of the day?  What are the most popular pages? What are the keywords that they are using to find the site?

Important note:  We may also need to discover which keywords they are using that don’t find your site!

ACTION PLAN:  We will set up a Google Analytics account, include the Google code in your website, and report to you each month.

Contact us today to get started!


Conversion Goals

Optionally, we can also add conversion goals to Google Analytics so that specific objectives on your site can be understood and improved. For instance, how many visitors loose interest because you are asking them to provide too much information for a simple inquiry?  Conversion Goals allow you to see how many users start a process, but don’t complete it.  This makes it ideal if your site sells products online.

ACTION PLAN:  We will add Conversion Goals to your Google Analytics account and report to you each month.  We will also make suggestions about how conversions can be improved.

Contact us today to get started!